生活中还有许多事可以证明小学生绝不能沉迷于网络游戏 我们班的包智健同学连续玩了6年网络游戏,现在视力不断下降 许心鹏同学玩网络游戏经常玩到深更半夜才做作业,有时甚至连作业都忘了做,上课打瞌睡,他的家长管不了他,导致他。
but some people are afraid that it is interesting and relaxing, but it is easy to indulge in itAs far as I am concerned, I have some suggestions on how to use it correctly In a word, playing compu。
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正文Online games bring serious harm to teenagers So I advise friends quotdon#39t indulge in online gamesquot网络游戏给青少年带来的严重危害所以我奉劝朋友“不要沉迷于网络游戏”Once you become addicted to on。